All posts tagged projectcars

A mid-rise lift in my garage !

It is winter here, so I have not done any work on the Miata in January and February of 2019, but I did continue doing research and looking for the right tools. And lo and behold, I found a car enthusiast, who had 11 cars , who was selling his mid-rise lift on Craigslist for under a $1000 with delivery – a great deal !!! I cannot say I have been more excited to purchase a tool this useful.

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Wheels for E-Street

The racing season is starting soon and since I want to stick to the stock E-street SCCA class for Autocross with this Miata, I decided to start with the least amount of changes I need to do to make the car competitive enough, but also let me focus on becoming a better driver.

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Installing New Pedal Covers

It’s the most wonderful time of the year ! For Christmas, I received a gift of new pedal covers (Figure 1 and 2) for my Miata. These are made by I.L. Motorsport and were purchased at Moss Miata.

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Replacing the Passenger-side Tail Light

In the beginning of October, while reversing the Miata I ended up not looking properly and hit the rear of the car onto my truck’s bumper leading to the passenger side tail light breaking as shown in Figure 1. I felt like a fool and quickly took a picture of it, parked the car back in the garage and went about ordering a replacement on eBay. I found one from one of the sellers for $75 and ordered it.

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Replacing the Glove box

A few weeks ago I had ordered a replacement glove box from eBay for the Miata. The glove box that came with it would fall off because its locking mechanism was irrepairably broken as shown in Figure 2 and Figure 3.

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